That's a great account of a great hike. As you rightly say, such trails and countryside in a place like Hong Kong constantly amaze. I have dome the Maclehose Trail several times in part and also in its entirety while taking part in Oxfam Trailwalker. Our best time was 24.5 hours from Sai Kung to Tuen Mun - happy days !
wow, nonstop for the night 24.5 hrs? More like a blitzkrieg (:
I can't think of better hill-sea hike views multiplied by places" isolation in Asia Pacific areas where I have been. Sydney for example has a lot of nice walks too, but less on a wild side.
Yes Igor, overnight. It was part of a charity event called Oxfam Trailwalker in which teams of 4 hikers complete the trail. We usually started at 11.00 am (there were 3 scheduled starts) and if all went well would finish the following day (Saturday) at around lunch time. A support team would meet us at a few locations to provide food/drink etc. The great thing about HK trails is that they are all quite accessible with public transport links to most start and finish points - happy hiking !
That's a great account of a great hike. As you rightly say, such trails and countryside in a place like Hong Kong constantly amaze. I have dome the Maclehose Trail several times in part and also in its entirety while taking part in Oxfam Trailwalker. Our best time was 24.5 hours from Sai Kung to Tuen Mun - happy days !
wow, nonstop for the night 24.5 hrs? More like a blitzkrieg (:
I can't think of better hill-sea hike views multiplied by places" isolation in Asia Pacific areas where I have been. Sydney for example has a lot of nice walks too, but less on a wild side.
Yes Igor, overnight. It was part of a charity event called Oxfam Trailwalker in which teams of 4 hikers complete the trail. We usually started at 11.00 am (there were 3 scheduled starts) and if all went well would finish the following day (Saturday) at around lunch time. A support team would meet us at a few locations to provide food/drink etc. The great thing about HK trails is that they are all quite accessible with public transport links to most start and finish points - happy hiking !